Frankenstein (Mortal Toys)
Frankenstein (Mortal Toys) is a miniature spectacle created by Janie Geiser and Susan Simpson (who Co-Direct and Design), based on renowned playwright Erik Ehn’s distilled adaptation of Mary Shelley’s evocative novel. Frankenstein (Mortal Toys) follows the haunted journey of Victor Frankenstein and his startling emotional monster. The menacing beauty of the arctic and the high Alps surround the distraught scientist as he confronts the loneliness and rage of his alienated creature. Frankenstein (Mortal Toys) is performed within a small proscenium frame using puppets based on 18th Century American portrait paintings, and lush sets inspired by Romantic era landscape painting. Projected film and shadow puppets emerge from this central set to provide windows into the souls of the man and his monster. Frankenstein (Mortal Toys) reveals an uncanny world of melancholy, loss, and existential longing.
Frankenstein (Mortal Toys) features Severin Behnen’s hypnotic live score for piano, accordion, organ, and violin. Performers for the premiere performances included Chris Payne, Dana Wilson, Eli Presser, Sarah Brown, Susan Simpson, and Janie Geiser. Lighting Design by John Eckert and Jeanette Yew, with shadow puppets created by Leah Chun.